are they the one?

confidently determine if your relationship is worth investing your time & energy in, and replace the overwhelm with answers.

Tell me if this sounds familiar: 

  • you’re tired of wondering if you should stay in your relationship or if it’s time to leave
  • your partner is loving but the qualities you don’t like about them make you wonder if it’s worth staying
  • you’ve built up resentment, frustration, disappointment over time & that’s contributing to your doubts
  • your doubts aren’t only affecting your relationship but also your sleep, health, and your focus at work
  • you’ve found yourself being on the brink of breaking up a few times 
  • thoughts like “it shouldn’t be this hard” or “am I forcing it?” pop up
  • you’re not sure if the thought of leaving is your intuition speaking, or anxiety

Plus, maybe you’ve even been told by someone else that you should consider leaving your relationship and part of you wonders if that’s really what you should do because you DO love your partner and you DID at some point see a future together.

Imagine if instead of overthinking, going through spirals of doubts, and feeling anxious with the decision you’re trying to make, you could have answers. You could find clarity. You could feel at peace. You could feel empowered.

And you could make a decision from a place of confidence, not confusion. So that you don’t look back and go “what if it had worked out?” or “should I have given us another chance?”. 

In this Masterclass, we'll cover:

  • how to differentiate anxiety from intuition
  • how to handle doubts in a way that feels empowering, not draining
  • how to make decisions from a place of confidence
  • what’s toxic in a relationship, what’s not
  • defining incompatibilities
  • when to know it’s time to move on
  • how to communicate doubts with a partner
  • how to set your relationship up for success if you stay


2.5 hour video (masterclass replay)


You have access to the content as soon as you sign up


Content is yours forever

Nobody has been able to help me deal with my doubts and anxiety the way you have. 

– Estelle, Spain

I am so very glad I came across your page and that we have connected. This has been helpful for me in so many ways that I actually didn’t expect […] I’ve been going back to the tools you’ve taught me quite often over the past few months.

– Marcelle, South Africa

I’m so thankful to have been mentored and taught by you <3 I’m a few pieces of everyone I’ve met and I’m glad I’m part you. 

– Morgan, Hawaii


If your partner is open to it, watching this together will be beneficial to both.

Now, if your partner doesn’t seem open to it, I’d watch this first alone and then share your insights with them. That’s also how many of my clients start off because change starts with one person. When one person learns relationship tools and walks the talk, it creates positive ripple effects, shows the other what’s possible, and shifts dynamics (usually very quickly). Please note that my content doesn’t apply to toxic/abusive relationships.

If you’re ready to take accountability for your growth and are willing to learn what YOU can do to improve your relationship, it will help you. It won’t help if you’re looking for methods to change your partner. We’re going to look at what’s in your control to shift dynamics, break unhealthy patterns and create stability in your relationship. If growing and being empowered with new tools & skills excites you, this is for you!

Yes! The content applies to any type of relationship (eg. with family, friends, coworkers). I remember a client processing a breakup and applying the tools she learnt at work – she not only improved her relationship with coworkers but also reduced her stress!

Yes! Some of my clients even have their therapist, hire me as their coach, and are taking online courses. The tools you’ll acquire here will help you solidify what you are processing in therapy.

In my free content (eg. content on Instagram), I share quick relationship tips and insights but not the tools and strategies that are part of my paid programs (eg. courses, private coaching). You could say that my free content is 5% of my paid content. If you’ve been benefiting from my free content so far, what’s inside my courses will blow your mind! I’ve spent a lot of time, energy and $ learning the tools I’m about to teach you and apply them to my relationship every day and I’m excited to be offering this to you at a fraction of what I invested.

Yes and by being proactive in learning relationship tools & skills, you’re putting all cards in your favor so that you can set your relationship up for success right from the start! Every relationship has challenges – the sooner you know how to overcome them when they arise, the more trust, connection and love you will create and sustain. It’s how you handle challenges that matters and that’s exactly what you’ll learn here so that you can build a healthy, loving and exciting relationship that’s built to last!

Yes of course! Some of my own clients are same-sex couples and they’ve all benefited from the tools I’m teaching you here.

Absolutely! What I’ve noticed with my clients who were single is that the tools & skills they learnt helped them understand their past experiences better and feel confident about starting their next relationship from the right foot (or reconnecting with their ex-partner). You can apply the action steps of the course with people around you eg. friends, family, coworkers etc. I’ve seen clients improve their non-romantic relationships many times!

Given the nature of this service, refunds aren’t offered.

That will depend on your willingness to put in place the action steps provided throughout the course. Learning the tools & skills is one thing, applying them is another. The implementation is where the real transformation comes from. Like with anything new you learn, it takes practice until it becomes natural and you’ll have clear guidelines to help you implement what you learn.

Yes of course! That’s the beauty of teaching online and a big reason I created this option for you. 

The only exception to this is Singapore. Please note that if you’re currently living in Singapore, my programs are not yet available to you. Head over to this link to receive updates on available services in Singapore. Thanks for your understanding!

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